Restorative Dentistry
in Bensalem

Regain your oral health and function with conservative restorations at Clear Dentistry
Dental Inspection

What is Restorative Dentistry?


Restorative dentistry goes beyond repairing teeth – it's about restoring your smile's vitality and functionality. Our restorative services focus on addressing dental concerns while safeguarding your natural teeth and minimizing invasive procedures. Whether you need a simple filling or a more complex restoration, our goal is to help you regain a smile that feels and looks exceptional.

restorative dentist in Bensalem

Our Minimally-Invasive Approach to Restorative Care

At Clear Dentistry, our approach to restorative care is centered on preserving your natural dental structure. Our comprehensive biomimetic philosophy ensures that every restoration is designed to mimic the strength and appearance of your natural teeth. This approach not only enhances your smile's aesthetics but also ensures that your restorations stand the test of time.

Our Cosmetic Services


Implant Restorations

Complete your dental implant journey with our implant restorations, ensuring a harmonious blend between your new restoration and natural teeth. Our meticulous approach to crafting implant restorations results in a functional and beautiful smile that seamlessly blends with your existing teeth.


Experience renewed confidence with dentures, a reliable solution for replacing multiple missing teeth and restoring your ability to eat, speak, and smile. Our dentures are designed for comfort, stability, and aesthetics, allowing you to enjoy life to the fullest.

Dental Bridges

Restore your smile's integrity by filling gaps with dental bridges, anchored securely to adjacent teeth for a seamless and functional result. Our custom-crafted bridges not only close gaps but also improve your bite and speech, giving you renewed confidence in your smile.

Dental Implants

Replace missing teeth with dental implants – a durable and natural-looking solution that restores your smile's beauty and functionality. Our implant specialists meticulously plan and execute the placement of your implants, ensuring a seamless integration with your jawbone and a strong foundation for your new teeth.


While we always strive to avoid extractions, sometimes they are the only way to preserve the health of the rest of your smile. When necessary, our gentle extraction procedures prioritize your comfort and oral health, ensuring a smooth process. Our experienced team employs techniques to minimize discomfort and expedite your recovery, ensuring you're back to enjoying your regular activities sooner.

Dental Crowns

Strengthen and protect compromised teeth with dental crowns, custom-designed to match your natural teeth and restore their function. Our precisely crafted same-day crowns offer durability and a natural appearance, ensuring your smile remains both beautiful and functional, and can be completed in a single visit.

Composite Fillings

Restore decayed or damaged teeth with tooth-colored composite fillings that blend seamlessly with your natural teeth, providing both functionality and aesthetics. These durable and metal-free fillings ensure a strong and discreet restoration that blends seamlessly with your smile.

Office Comforts & Amenities

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We begin every new patient experience with a consultation and exam. Dr. Laura will get to know you and your oral health needs, as well as your smile goals.



We begin every new patient experience with a consultation and exam. Dr. Laura will get to know you and your oral health needs, as well as your smile goals.



We begin every new patient experience with a consultation and exam. Dr. Laura will get to know you and your oral health needs, as well as your smile goals.

clear dentistryclear dentistry

Am I a good candidate for Dental Implants?

If you have missing teeth and are in good overall health, including healthy jaw bone density, you may be an excellent candidate for dental implants. However, the only way to know for sure is to schedule a consultation with an implant expert like Dr. Laura, so she can assess your oral health discuss your tooth replacement options.

Why is it important to keep my natural teeth when I could just get dentures or implants?

Preserving your natural teeth is paramount to your oral health. While dentures and implants offer valuable solutions, maintaining your natural teeth whenever possible supports your overall and oral well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions about preventive dentistry? Find answers here.

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Clear Dentistry Accepts Most Insurances

We accept most major PPO insurance plans. Don't see your provider below? Give us a call to see how we can work with them

Principal Life
Delta Dental
BlueCross BlueShield
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